Providing Tips, Tools & Information to Help You Find & Achieve Your Dreams! NLP Certified Practitioner, Certified Hypnotist, Certified LOA Basic Practitioner, Certified Life Coach

Archive for March, 2013

Take Action!

One of the main differences between successful people and unsuccessful people, is successful people have the habit of taking action!  Even if doing so is difficult!  But they don’t just take any action, they take thoughtful action.  For each of their goals, successful people develop an action step.  This action step is designed to move them toward achieving that specific goal and ultimately their dream.

Procrastination is a major dream killer.  Sometimes the excuse for not taking action is planning. The individual spends time planning for every possible outcome and therefore never takes action.  Please keep in mind, if you wait on things to be perfect, you will never take action.  Instead, develop your plan.  As you are developing your plan, do consider the various outcomes, make any needed adjustments, then get started.

If you never get started, you will never finish!