Providing Tips, Tools & Information to Help You Find & Achieve Your Dreams! NLP Certified Practitioner, Certified Hypnotist, Certified LOA Basic Practitioner, Certified Life Coach

Archive for July, 2012

Take Care of You!

On your journey to finding & accomplishing your purpose, you must take care of you.  Take care of both your physical & spiritual health.  Take time to enjoy the journey.  The saddest thing would be to arrive at your purpose only to learn you cannot complete or enjoy it.  You are important.  Your purpose is important.  Some one somewhere needs you to fulfill your purpose.

Like it or not, we are all connected.  What you do does not only affect you.  It affects those around you and to some degree those around your immediate circle.  Actions have a tendency to have a ripple effect.

Take one day a week to rest, recharge and enjoy your family.  At least once a year detox your body.  At least once a quarter go on a full, partial or juice fast.  Before fasting, make sure to check with your doctor.  Fasting gives your body rest from the breaking down & digesting foods and allows your body to focus on the elimination process. Take time to meditate daily.

You are important & you are here for a purpose.  Time is a commodity which cannot be replaced.  Once a moment is gone, it is gone forever!  Enjoy your moments, enjoy your life and take time to stop and smell the roses!

Check out this healthy Mango Salsa Recipe Video-Click here

The Law of Attraction

On your journey to fulfilling you purpose, the Law of Attraction is a helpful tool.  The movie “The Secret” was based on this law.  Basically, it says, what you focus on daily will eventually become your reality.  This explains why so many people are stuck in situations they do not like.  They are stuck there because instead of focusing on the solution they desire, they focus on the problem they are facing.

To some the “Law of Attraction”  may seem magical but it is not.   It is a principle that has been used by many to achieve great things.  The wonderful thing about the law of attraction is, it is available to anyone who wishes to use & benefit from it.  It does not matter if you are old or young, male or female, the law will work for you  if you apply the principle.

So how does the law work you may ask?  Great question! In a nut shell, those who practice the law of attraction, have clear defined goals.  This is important because the goals become the positive focus.   Daily, an individual will spend time visualizing him or her self achieving each  goal.

Various tools such as vision boards, digital vision boards, affirmations, meditation & subliminal audio or videos are used.  These tools are helpful because they evoke  multiple senses which helps make achieving the goal seem more real and its attainment rapid.  The universe is quick to bring you all good things you believe you deserve & just as quick to keep from you what you criticize  or fear.

Change your thinking & change your life!  For more tools and information on this topic, visit our Law of Attraction page-click here.

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