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Posts tagged ‘Success principles’

Is A % of Something Better Than 100% of Nothing?

Two of the saddest stories I have heard were from two people who had ideas they thought could make a difference in the world.  Unfortunately, one did not want to tell anyone who may be able to help for fear the idea would be stole.  The other turned down an opportunity because the investor wanted at least 50% of the company for taking all the financial risk by funding the idea.  As far as I know, neither have brought their idea to the world.

As a result, the world does not benefit from what each person had to offer.  When we ask the universe to help us achieve our goals, the answer may not be what we thought.  The unique perspective of the unseen realm, is that a larger picture is known.

Instead of not moving forward, what if each person found a win win solution for all parties, how much would the world have benefited. Sadly, we may never know.  What if the parties could agree on a future buyout of enough of the investors shares to make the idea person the controlling party.  What if, before discussing the money-making idea, a confidentiality agreement was signed, could this have made a difference.

How many of us will take great ideas to the grave, which could have changed not only our life, but also the lives of many others? How many of us have allowed fear or greed to stop us from achieving our goals?  So I ask again,  “Is a % of something better than 100% of nothing?”

How To Have A Mentor On A Budget

On the journey to creating the life desired, having a mentor is very beneficial.  A mentor has knowledge which can shorten your journey significantly.

When we think of a mentor, most of us think of a living person sharing their wisdom with us, to help guide us to victory at a substantial cost.  But a mentor can also be someone  who has left a body of work for us to use to obtain their knowledge.  People who have been successful and helped others achieve their goals, are the people whose work we can examine to learn the secrets of success.

Some such people are Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard, Florence Shinn, Charles F. Haanel & Wallace Wattles just to name a few.  Each taught success principles using varying techniques  but they all had a few things in common. They all believed that you experience in life, what you think and say about yourself daily with emotion.  They also believed in order to achieve your goal, it must be clearly stated.

Some of the books of the above named authors may be found in the public domain, thus  reducing the cost of obtaining their knowledge drastically.  Their work is also offered in audio form on YouTube, another budget friendly venue.  Search their names on either platform to obtain a complete list of their work.

I would suggest the following as must reads:

Napoleon Hill- “Think and Grow Rich” and  “The Law of Success in Seventeen Lessons”

Neville Goddard – “Your Faith Is Your Fortune”  Also check out this website dedicated to his work & writings.

Florence Shinn – “The Game of Life & How to Play It

Charles F. Haanel – “The Master Key System”  You an get a copy of this book at The Secrect TV under the advance tab.

Wallace Wattles- “The Science Of Getting Rich”  You an get a copy of this book at The Secrect TV under the intermediate tab.  A list of other authors (potential mentors) and their work can also be found there.



Don’t Get Stuck In Yesterday



Don’t get stuck in yesterday.  Your past achievements are just that, the past. It is only natural, that when we find something that works, we want to keep doing it forever.  The only problem is, some solutions were for a specific period of time and not meant to be used forever.

Life is full of change and in order to keep pace, we must sometimes change as well. Successful companies know this to be true, which explains why,  every few years, they refresh themselves.  The may take a new form of their name, upgrade their builds, revamp their products or change the way they do business.  Leaders of successful companies know that to stay relevant, change is a part of the equation.

For example, most, if not all, brick and mortar stores also have an online presence.  This is so because today, unlike 15 years ago, more and more people shop online for some of their needs.  Almost all sellers except a credit or debit card as payment instead of only cash or checks.  Sellers who do not make changes to reflect the new demands, loss customers and risk going out of business.

Like wise, what worked for you, on your journey to achieving your goals in the past may not now.  If you want the next promotion, you may need to increase your knowledge, make new affiliations, or change your location.  As an entrepreneur, if you want to increase your revenue, you may need to add a new product line, repackage an existing product, or change your marketing, just to name a few.  The changes you make should be in line with the ultimate goals you wish to achieve.

If you keep doing the same things, you will get the same results.  Not all change is bad, getting stuck in the comfort of yesterday at the detriment of your future, that is bad.

Food For Thought- Fear & Courage

Many people die without ever going after their dreams because of fear.  They want everything to be perfect before they begin, because they fear if it is not perfect, they may fail.  They following video may give you insight on why it is important to move ahead despite fear.

Are you allowing fear to stop you from achieving your dreams?

Advice from an Expert – Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey shares with us on something all successful people must do to succeed in life.

Have you jumped lately?


Food For Thought – Life

When you reflect on your life, do you say “Wow, look at the life I have built” or do you say “Wow, what happened to my life.  How did I get here?”  The following video may give you some new insights about this journey we call LIFE, & how to make the most of it..

Are you building the life of your dreams?

Motivational Moment – Believe in You & Your Dreams


Do you believe?


The last trait we will be discussing is commitment.   Successful people commit to their dreams!  They make a conscious decision to succeed!  The dream becomes a set of smaller goals, and once the goals are set, a plan is developed and action is taken to achieve them.

On the journey to attaining the dream, if resistance arise, a successful person re-examines the path chosen, makes any needed changes, and keeps moving forward. Quitting is not an option!

Unsuccessful people tend to approach their dreams with the mindset of  “I’ll try and if it doesn’t work I’ll try something else”.  So at the first or may be the second sign of adversity, they quit.  Most people quit just before they achieve their dreams.

Many successful people did not attain  success on the first, second or even the tenth try.  They had adversity but they did not quit!  Each adversity is viewed as a learning opportunity instead of a failure.  Successful people stay committed to their dreams!

On the road to achieving your dreams, set goals, develop a plan, take action and stay committed.  If at first you don’t succeed, regroup and keep on trying!!



Habits of Successful People (Writing Goals)

In the next few posts, I  will  be discussing the habits of successful people.   There is no order of importance because each habit plays a role in a successful person’s life.

The first habit is, setting goals to paper.  Successful people not only have goals, but their goals are written.  This allows for the development of  a clear picture of what they want.

Goals give focus & focus is important because too often things occur which may hinder a person from reaching his or her goal.  Having them written, they become a reference guide.

Decisions can now be made based on whether or not a certain action will lead toward or from the desired goal.

Think about this, how will you know when you have arrived, if you do not know where you are going.  Goals give to direction.  They give you a starting point.  Goals give definition to your purpose.

Goals are not engraved in stone once they are made, they are just a written representation of something you would like to have or achieve.  As you work towards achieving them, you will most likely grow and change.  So from time to time reexamine each goal to make sure it is still in line with the life you want to create.

Acquiring Success Skills Can Be Fun!

life lesson game picSometimes learning a new skill can seem like a daunting task.  I remember when I was in school, the things I learnt quickly, were the things which were presented in a fun manner. To this day I am amazed at the song lyrics I remember from more than twenty-five years ago which were performed at a school function.  Yet I am at a loss to remember certain math equations.  When new information is acquired in a fun manner, the results last longer.

I never played much card or board games when growing up and now realize just how beneficial they could have been.  Certain games like chess, domino and poker help you develop critical thinking.  Others help you increase you vocabulary,  learn more about a particular topic such as real estate,  investing or being an entrepreneur.

Games are a great learning tool because they inform while they entertain.  They allow individuals with like minds to come together and have fun as they increase their skills.  Games that families can play together and which can be used by parents as a tool to aid their children and young adults acquire useful life skills are a plus.

Telling some one to think before they act, my not get through but teach them chess or some other game which requires thought before action and that skill will most likely translate to other areas of their life.   Some one who does not like math suddenly realizes how important it is when taught a game in which buying, selling and making a profit is important.  Let us not forget how playing word games help build vocabulary, and confidence.

Some of the best games I ever played, reprogrammed my thinking to look for the opportunities life constantly offered.  As with most things, doing them once had little effect but playing them often changed my thinking.  I began to realize I was developing new skills which were translating to other areas of my life.

Consider adding a game night to your life because learning can be fun!

Checkout the game-Life Lessons, which was developed to help individuals acquire a success mindset. It would make a great gift for anyone who wanted to re-train their mind to think like successful people do and attract more abundance into their life.  Click here